On setting the scene

Something I hear from almost every client is a desire to be with a companion that is also having a great time. Which is fantastic! But over the years I've found that most people are only thinking about sex when they say that and miss the thing that makes these experiences mutually unforgettable. Curious to know what that is?

Committing to fantasy

What do I mean by that? Well, for me, good sex is some, but by no means all, of what it takes for me to have a really fun time, especially during longer dates when we’re getting to know one another. To really feel excited, I too need to be swept away by the fantasy of our encounter. The main thing I love about being a companion is the escapism and getting to indulge my own desires. Louisa is ultimately a fantasy alter ego and I adore stepping out of my normal life and into vertiginous heels on dates. It also just makes for better chemistry. Desire thrives in the unusual and the extraordinary, aka away from regular and prosaic life.  If both of our erotic/sensory imaginations are able to fire, the connection is, in my many years of experience, so much hotter.

Think of us playing out our fantasies together as a piece of erotic theatre. Now think about all the elements that make theatre exceptional beyond just performance. A beautiful set, the right props, costume, music, mood, lighting. These elements transport you to another world. Don’t underestimate the impact of glamour, beauty, luxury and a sense of abandon. When these things are attended to, I’m much more turned on and excited because really good sex begins in the mind. If you’re seeking something magic, don’t scrimp on these. This is a sumptuous experience. it’s very far away from essential, and if you can afford to see me, it’s probably fair to say you’re not doing too shabbily in life.  So: commit to it! Dress up. Get a nice hotel room. Choose somewhere atmospheric for dinner. Bring something for me to slink around in later.

Frankly I feel pretty turned off when I can sense that a date feels they’ve paid for my time and they won’t part with a penny more. Either because they don’t really care or because it’s somehow a scam and I’m out to rinse you of your income. That makes me feel like crap. Mostly because they’ve shown absolutely no interest or care for my own erotic imagination, but also because when you do a tasting menu in an incredible restaurant, you get the wine pairing without accusing the sommelier of upselling you. You accept the totality of the experience.

Of course, none of this is compulsory. I’m a gun for hire, and a few people aren’t all that bothered by that. But they tend to be the people I don’t see again, and when people say: How can I ensure you have a really amazing time; this is a huge part.Happily, the people I have fantastic connections get this, and they really know how to make our time together feel special. Not only are they great company, but they value eroticism enough to attend to all its elements, not just the naked parts. And I adore them for it!


On a body of work


On the spot