On revelations
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On revelations

A someone who enjoys taking their clothes off, I spend rather a lot of time preoccupied with the process itself. I'm intrigued by the power imbued in the ways in which we can make the transition from being fully clothed, to a state of undress. Roland Barthes believed the striptease to be something of a paradox, one "based on a contradiction”

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On sparks
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On sparks

A consequence of this jet-setting is often finding myself alone, in a strange place, with time to kill and nothing but my own imagination to keep me company. Sometimes, I realise I’m less alone than I think; it’s in these moments that chance encounters with strangers occur and these always get my heart beating.

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On shame
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On shame

I am erotically obsessed with shame. Shame is a uniquely physical thing. It is felt in the pit of your stomach, and is often manifested through blushes, prickling skin and an increased awareness of the body.

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On the city
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On the city

There is a side of the city you will not be able to see until you have done this job. There is a whole separate world mapped alongside the one you occupied before; the city and its double, revealed to you only gradually as you wind your way down another heavy-carpeted hallway in a luxury hotel

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